Tuesday, 2 August 2016

The Fun of tasting Boutique Wines Amidst Symphony

What do you get when you club the saddest symphony ever composed with a lively aromatic wine? It’s called mystic love story of taste, fervour and sensational dining. Most food bars serve the enticing wine with Asian food recipes like sushi, Nori and Vietnamese sausages.

Considered as the ripe version of Moscato, the striking aroma of Gewürztraminer challenges the emotions of a soul, and brings in years of nostalgia within a few sips off the flute. The intense lychee flavour is loved when rubbed with Ruby Red grapefruit, rose petal extracts and ginger to create a smoky affair.

Served cold, it makes a wonderful pairing with spicy seafood and meat recipes, along with cheese toppings and shrimp sauce.

Riesling with Brahms - Symphony No. 4

Brahm was pegged as Beethoven’s evident successor, but he grew out of the shadow by composing the most enigmatic symphony of 19th century. And when you have different varieties of Riesling to enjoy, nothing like it.

Not many food burleigh heads bars serve the classical flavours of Riesling.
  • Kabinett (dry to off-dry)
  • Spätlese (sweet)
  • Auslese (sweeter)
  • Beerenauslese (very sweet)
  • Trockenbeerenauslese (super sweet)

Brahms’ Symphony No. 4 complements the nectarine-like aroma of the Riesling when blended with sweet table wines. Think spicy when it is playing symphony on the record, and the glass is brimming with Riesling. Strong Indian flavours will do every bit of justice to the drink, and more so if it is a vegetable platter of eggplant, yam, squash and carrot decked with herbs like cinnamon, mint, thyme and basil.

Trousseau gris with Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique:

An old variety of the Grey Riesling, Trousseau Gris is a crispier and more pungent version of the contemporary extract. A distinct flavour of peaches, melons and honeycomb suckle springsfrom its first drop on the tongue. Classic wine lovers adore Trousseau gris for its pale-coloured, sappy red texture. The compelling flavour is enjoyed with Berlioz’s most insane symphony. 

Considered an overload of opium and nectarine, this flowery bouquet of flavoured wine is best enjoyed with a platter of smoked eels and salmon fillets, inspired heavily by the Italian and French cuisine.

Vinho Verde with Haydn’s “The Philosopher” Symphony No.22:

A lot goes into combining the best live music with a rather uncommon wine. Vinho Verde, which means “Cheap and Cheerful” in Portuguese, is a unique and historic wine, considering its origin and the iconic colour. Considered as the green wine, or a ‘young wine’ material, this drink is a sparkling a Late or a brandy, and not necessarily placed in wine category. When the origin is so disputed, we clubbed it with a Symphony of similar character- Haydn’s Symphony No. 22 that is known by its nickname, The Philosopher.

The razor-sharp flavour of the wine is perfectly complemented by pairing it with grilled fish and shellfish curry. Vietnamese and Filipino cuisine also goes well with the wine and the symphony in particular.

Enjoy the wines with their respective symphonies and food pairings for an uncorrupted bar experience.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Top 5 things to look for in Music Bar that will meet your Taste & Class

A food platter instantly invigorates the mind with its visually enticing appeal and aromatic flavour, but when served in excellent ambience belting out soulful music, the experience is beyond the scope of words. Good food and enriching music is a delectable combination, and when you have the right place to explore, there is no way the hectic life activities will bog you down.

If you are planning to go out with your bunch of friends or just wish to spend some quality times with your spouse, explore a cosy bar with a gallery of drinks and dining without missing out on the Live music performance coming your way.

Here are Top 5 things to look for in a music bar that will meet your taste and class.

1.  Location and crowd:

You don’t want to end up in a traffic snarl after all that happy moments planning the event in the bar. Easy to locate on the map and ample parking are two things that will make your entry into the bar all the more easy. Night life makes it practically impossible for most people to park their vehicle close to the bar. 

If possible, request a booked parking lot. If you are new to the place, get directions from the counter on call in advance to avoid unnecessary hassles.

2.  Booking options:

Most food bars with music performances have themed weekdays, and “Live Events”, on weekends. If you are interested in a particular genre, get the week’s plan from the management. Some bars provide pre-booking options for groups and couples.

Try out various booking options just in case you don’t want to lose out on your favourite city band playing Live on a weekend.

3.  Pricing and Cover charges:

If you are couple, good for you. Most bars allow couples on cover charge basis, where you can enjoy the meals and food, without paying additional tariff. For bachelors, try group packages. The prices on drinks and starters are covered as Cover Charge.

For special musical performances, there could be a nominal fee too but that is often informed in advance.

4.  Smoking and closed boxes:

Smoking is banned in public in most bars. If you are a smoker and would love to enjoy it in the bar as well, opt for a closed box lounge. Bars have exemplified seating arrangements with TV and speakers playing soulful music, while you puff away and enjoy drinks with the friends.

5.  Happy hours:

Early morning and afternoon hours till 4pm have their share of “Happy Hours”, where guest can enjoy the same menu and drinks at relatively slashed price. Quality of music is not compromised, nor is the ambience. Best for a pack of college buddies or a couple from busy office hours, can enjoy snacks and fritters with drinks, without being bothered about the crowd or booking hassles.

When you are missing all the fun in life, visiting a Live Music Restaurants once in a while will surely lift your mood and spirit.